Download the HeteroPar'2010 Full Program with abstracts.

HeteroPar'2010 Program

August 30, 2010

10h00: Opening

10h10: Keynote speaker

★ Marco Danelutto
Design skeletons for distributed heterogeneous architectures

11h00: Break

11h30: Session 1: General approaches, from compilation to execution middleware

★ Tomasz Buchert, Lucas Nussbaum, and Jens Gustedt
Accurate emulation of CPU performance
★ Ruymán Reyes and Francisco de Sande
Case Studies in Automatic GPGPU code generation with llc
★ Muhammad Aleem, Radu Prodan, and Thomas Fahringer.
On the Evaluation of JavaSymphony for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-core Clusters

13h00: Lunch

14h30: Session 2: Iterative Algorithms
★ Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani, and Sébastien Miquée
MAHEVE: An Efficient Reliable Mapping of Asynchronous Iterative Applications on Volatile and Heterogeneous Environments.
★ David Clarke, Alexey Lastovetsky and Vladimir Rychkov
Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Computational Iterative Routines on Platforms with Memory Heterogeneity

15h30: Session 3: Case studies
★ Ignasi Barri, Josep Rius, Concepció Roig and Francesc Giné
Dealing with Heterogeneity for Mapping MMOFPS in Distributed Systems

16h00: Break

16h30: Session 3 (continued): Case studies
★ Brett Becker and Alexey Lastovetsky
Max-Plus Algebra and Discrete Event Simulation on Parallel Hierarchal Heterogeneous Platforms

17h00: Closing remarks