Call for papers


Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline:
May 30, 2010

Notification of acceptance:
July 2, 2010

Submission of camera-ready papers:
July 31, 2010

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Workshop theme

Networks of computers are the most common and available parallel architecture now. Unlike dedicated parallel computer systems, networks are inherently heterogeneous. They consist of diverse computers of different performances interconnected via heterogeneous network equipment providing communication links with different latencies and bandwidths. Traditional parallel algorithms and tools are aimed at homogeneous multiprocessors and cannot be efficiently used for parallel computing on heterogeneous networks. New ideas, dedicated algorithms and tools are needed to efficiently use this new type of parallel architectures. The workshop is intended to be a forum for people working on algorithms, programming languages, tools, and theoretical models aimed at efficient problem solutions on heterogeneous networks.

Workshop scope

The topics to be covered include but are not limited to:

  • Heterogeneous parallel programming paradigms and models;
  • Languages, libraries, and interfaces for different heterogeneous parallel programming models;
  • Performance models and their integration into the design of efficient parallel algorithms for heterogeneous platforms;
  • Parallel algorithms for heterogeneous and/or hierarchical multi-core systems;
  • Parallel algorithms for efficient problem solving on heterogeneous platforms (numerical linear algebra, nonlinear systems, fast transforms, computational biology, data mining, multimedia, etc.);
  • Software engineering for heterogeneous parallel systems;
  • Applications on heterogeneous platforms;
  • Integration of parallel and distributed computing on heterogeneous platforms;
  • Experience of porting parallel software from supercomputers to heterogeneous platforms;
  • Fault tolerance of parallel computations on heterogeneous platforms;
  • Algorithms, models and tools for grid, desktop grid, cloud, and green computing.

Authors are encouraged to submit original, unpublished research or overviews on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms, namely addressing the topics referred above.


Authors are invited to electronically submit up to 10 pages in Springer LNCS stylesheet to the EasyChair Conference System. Accepted papers that are presented at the workshop will be published in revised form in a special Euro-Par Workshop Volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series after the Euro-Par conference.

Program chair

Frédéric Vivien, LIP/École normale supérieure de Lyon, and INRIA, France