- Domingo Giménez, University of Murcia, Spain
- Alexey Kalinov, Cadence Design Systems, Russia
- Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
- Leonel Sousa, INESC-ID/IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Denis Trystram, LIG, Grenoble, France
- Jacques Mohcine Bahi, University of Franche-Comté, France
- Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK
- Jorge Barbosa, Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
- Olivier Beaumont,
INRIA Bordeaux Sud Ouest, LABRI, France
- Andrea Clematis, IMATI-CNR, Italy
- Michel Daydé,
IRIT-Université de
Toulouse / INPT-ENSEEIHT, France
- Frédéric Desprez, INRIA, ENS Lyon, France
- Pierre-François Dutot, LIG, Grenoble, France
- Alfredo Goldman, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Abdou Guermouche, University of Bordeaux, France
- Shuichi Ichikawa, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
- Emmanuel Jeannot, INRIA, France
- Heleni Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Tahar Kechadi, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
- Loris Marchal, CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
- Kiminori Matsuzaki, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
- Wahid Nasri, Ecole Sup. des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, Tunisia
- Dana Petcu, University of Timisoara, Romania
- Serge Petiton, CNRS/LIFL and INRIA, France
- Antonio J. Plaza, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Casiano Rodríguez, University of La Laguna, Spain
- Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Franciszek Seredynski, PJIIT and Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- H. J. Siegel, Colorado State University, USA
- Leonel Sousa, INESC-ID/IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Antonio M. Vidal, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
- Ramin Yahyapour, University of Dortmund, Germany